
New Navigator launched at COP28

The Accountability Navigator for climate and naure launched at the COP28 Nature Pavilion in Expo City, Dubai. It guides companies and financial institutions on how to take action – and which resources to use – for nature and climate together.

Science Based Targets Network

We invite companies and cities to start their journeys now towards achieving nature and climate science-based targets and help build a future where they are operating within Earth’s limits while meeting customers’ and citizens’ needs.

Global Commons Alliance team contributes to new Netflix documentary Breaking Boundaries

Today, Netflix launches a major new documentary about the risks to the global commons: Breaking Boundaries: the Science of Our Planet.  The 75-minute documentary is narrated by Sir David Attenborough follows the scientific discovery of the nine planetary boundaries with Johan Rockström, the chair of GCA’s Earth Commission.  Rockström and GCA director of communications Owen

What is ‘nature positive’ and why is it the key to our future?

The Global Commons Alliance Leadership Council has published the following oped on the WEF Agenda G7 leaders called for the world to become net zero and nature positive. Nature positive means enhancing the resilience of our planet and societies to halt and reverse nature loss.