Our Team

Steering Committee

Margarita Astralaga

Chair of Steering Committee

Margarita Astralaga

Chair of Steering Committee

Margarita Astralaga is the Director of the Environment, Climate, Gender and Social Inclusion Division (ECG) at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and until recently she was the vice-chair of the Board of Directors for the Climate Smart Agriculture Youth Network.

Previously she worked for UNEP, the World Bank, IDB, the CITES Secretariat, the Ramsar Convention Secretariat, IUCN and the Colombian Environmental Government Agency.

Diane Holdorf

Co-Chair Executive Vice President (EVP) Pathways, World Business Council for Sustainable Development

Diane Holdorf

Co-Chair Executive Vice President (EVP) Pathways, World Business Council for Sustainable Development

Diana is Executive is Executive Vice President and a member of the Senior Management Team at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

Marco Lambertini

Co-Chair Special Envoy, WWF International

Marco Lambertini

Co-Chair Special Envoy, WWF International

Marco is Special Envoy at WWF International, following nine years as Director General. He is also Convener of the Nature Positive Initiative, a diverse alliance of environmental NGOs, sustainable business platforms, standard setting organisations, academia, indigenous and local governments networks to preserve the integrity, align on guidance and support the implementation of the nature-positive global goal for nature.

Akanksha Khatri

Head of Nature and Biodiversity, World Economic Forum

Akanksha Khatri

Head of Nature and Biodiversity, World Economic Forum

Akanksha Khatri is Head of Nature Action Agenda at the World Economic Forum. In this role she has led the New Nature Economy Reports Series, advocating how to integrate the issue of nature and biodiversity in economic decision making. Prior to this, she worked as Lead on Government Engagement for India and South Asia followed by an extended remit as Chief of Staff and Head of Strategy and Performance for the Forum’s Regional and Government Engagement globally.

Carlos Manuel Rodriguez

CEO and Chairperson, Global Environment Facility

Carlos Manuel Rodriguez

CEO and Chairperson, Global Environment Facility

Carlos Manuel Rodríguez was elected as CEO and Chairperson of the Global Environment Facility by its governing body, the GEF Council, in June 2020.

The former Costa Rican Environment and Energy Minister was a pioneer in the development of Payment for Ecosystem Services initiatives and strategies for forest restoration, ocean conservation, and de-carbonization, and is an internationally recognized expert on environmental policy, multilateral environmental negotiations, and financing for nature conservation. During his three terms as Minister of Environment and Energy, Costa Rica doubled the size of its forests, made its electric sector 100 percent clean and renewable, and consolidated a National Park System that has positioned the Central American country as a prime ecotourism destination.

Caroline Bryant

Global Manager for the Purposeful Business Initiative, Porticus

Caroline Bryant

Global Manager for the Purposeful Business Initiative, Porticus

Caroline is the Global Manager for the Purposeful Business Challenge at Porticus. Previously, she worked for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development focused on SME development and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for their Donor Government Relations team in London. Her current work is focused on enabling businesses to be a greater force for good, while ensuring there is accountability for their actions and performance, particularly around biodiversity and nature topics.

Janet Ranganathan

Vice President for Research, Data, and Innovation, World Resources Institute

Janet Ranganathan

Vice President for Research, Data, and Innovation, World Resources Institute

Janet Ranganathan is the Managing Director and Executive Vice President for Strategy, Learning and Results at World Resources Institute (WRI), a global research organization that addresses the urgent sustainability challenges related to food, forests, water, climate, energy, cities and the ocean. She leads the development and execution of WRI’s five-year strategy and oversees WRI’s Research Integrity, Managing for Results, and Data Lab teams.

Johan Rockström

Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)

Johan Rockström

Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)

Johan Rockström is Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Professor in Earth System Science at the University of Potsdam. He is also co-Chair of the Earth Commission and an internationally recognized scientist on global sustainability issues. Rockström is a leading scientist on global water resources, with more than 25 years experience in applied water research in tropical regions, and more than 150 research publications in fields ranging from applied land and water management to global sustainability.

Kristian Parker

Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees, Oak Foundation

Kristian Parker

Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees, Oak Foundation

Kristian is the Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees for the Oak Foundation. He oversees Oak’s Environment Programme. He is a marine biologist and received his Ph.D. in environmental sciences
from Duke University. Kristian is a founding board member of Oceans 5 and a member of the Board of Oceana and the ClimateWorks Foundation.

Naoko Ishii

Director, Center for Global Commons, University of Tokyo

Naoko Ishii

Director, Center for Global Commons, University of Tokyo

Dr. Naoko Ishii is a professor and executive vice president at the University of Tokyo, where she is also the inaugural director for the Center for Global Commons, whose mission is to catalyze systems change so that humans can achieve sustainable development within planetary boundaries. She believes academia can and should play an active role in mobilizing movements towards shared goals of nurturing stewardship of the global commons. Before joining the university, Dr. Ishii was CEO and chairperson of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) from 2012-2020.

Sweta Chakraborty

President of US Operations, We Don't Have Time Organization

Sweta Chakraborty

President of US Operations, We Don't Have Time Organization

Dr. Chakraborty is a globally recognized risk and behavioral scientist and expert on global risks ranging from climate change to COVID-19. She is a trusted authority on proactive preparedness to mitigate against the impacts of climate change, motivated by the need for clear, credible, evidence-based communication.

She is the president of U.S. operations for We Don’t Have Time and a partner at Pioneer Public Affairs.

Coordination Team

Executive Director, GCA

Jane Madgwick

Executive Director, Global Commons Alliance
Executive Director, GCA

Jane Madgwick

Executive Director, Global Commons Alliance

Jane Madgwick, BSc MSc, is an ecologist and author with 30 years of experience of working internationally on the science, policy and practice of wetlands and water management. She became the first Executive Director of the Global Commons Alliance in May 2023. Previously Jane worked for Wetlands International, as well as WWF International and WWF Australia. As CEO of Wetlands International for 19 years, she led network of 20 offices operating mostly in the global south. This work helped to bring the values of wetlands into the global agenda and to mobilise communities, companies, governments and cities to conserve and restore wetland landscapes for biodiversity, human well-being and reduced climate risks. Jane is committed to build partnerships and dialogues to enable urgent action for an environmentally safe and socially just future.

Wendy Broadgate

Executive Director, Earth Commission

Wendy Broadgate

Executive Director, Earth Commission

Wendy Broadgate is Executive Director of the Earth Commission and Global Hub Director, Sweden of Future Earth, which hosts the Earth Commission Secreatariat.  Wendy leads the Future Earth team which produces policy briefs for the UN processes for biodiversity (CBD), Climate (UNFCCC) as well as Future Earth’s contribution to the landmark United in Science report for the UN Climate Action Summit in 2019. Wendy has two decades of experience in strategy development, international sustainability research coordination and synthesis, communications and the science-policy interface. She holds a PhD in marine chemistry and has spent much of her career in global change research, publishing on the Anthropocene, Earth system science and ocean-atmosphere interactions. She was Deputy Director of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) for 15 years and director of the The Fisheries Secretariat, a non-profit working towards sustainable fisheries in Europe. At IGBP she was strategic lead on projects such as ocean acidification, the IGBP great acceleration and the Planet Under Pressure Conference, making an impact in scientific synthesis, the Anthropocene concept and policy engagement.

Erin Billman

Executive Director, Science-based Targets Network

Erin Billman

Executive Director, Science-based Targets Network

Erin is Executive Director at Science Based Targets Network (SBTN), leading both global communications and strategic initiatives. With over a dozen years of experience in conservation and consulting, Erin previously worked at Tompkins Conservation at Bain & Company. As Principal at Blu Skye, she developed environmental strategy for NGOs, corporations, and industry alliances.

Erin holds an MBA in Sustainable Business and the Environment from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Rachel Jetel

Co-Director, Systems Change Lab World Resources Institute

Rachel Jetel

Co-Director, Systems Change Lab World Resources Institute

Rachel is Co-Director of Systems Change Lab, hosted by the World Resources Institute and the Bezos Earth Fund. Prior to joining WRI, Rachel facilitated strategy and partnerships at the We Mean Business Coalition (WMBC), enabling the coalition’s unique collaborative approach to impact via ambition loops of bold climate action among business and policy leaders.  Before WMBC, Rachel was as a systems and sustainability consultant in the U.S., Asia and Europe, and had the chance to work with some of the biggest brands in the world to shape their sustainability agendas for over a decade.

Rachel is a graduate of Forum for the Future’s School of Systems Change and holds a B.A. in Communication and Music from Loyola Marymount University.

Tim Kelly

Executive Director, Earth HQ

Tim Kelly

Executive Director, Earth HQ

Tim is Executive Director of Earth HQ. Prior to this he was the President of the National Geographic Society and an Emmy Award-winning producer. As President of the National Geographic Society, Tim transitioned the magazine into a global multimedia force, engineering the launch of the National Geographic Channel, National Geographic Films and a wide array of digital media platforms.

Tim serves on the boards of the Great Plains Conservation Trust, the American Prairie Reserve and Mongabay.

Natasha M. Matic

Executive Director, Accountability Accelerator

Natasha M. Matic

Executive Director, Accountability Accelerator

Natasha Matic is Executive Director of the Accountability Accelerator. Prior to this she was Chief Strategy Officer of the King Khalid Foundation (KKF), a leading philanthropic institution in Saudi Arabia working to create equal economic opportunities. Through her leadership, Natasha spearheaded the Foundation into an era of strategic philanthropy, an era that emphasizes innovation and a systems-change approach to solving inequalities in partnership with businesses, government, and the global philanthropic community.

Previously, through her consulting practice, Natasha worked with both for-profit and non-profit organizations to embed ethical, social, and governance (ESG) accountability into their organizational DNA through strategy development and impact-focused solutions. Natasha holds a Ph.D. in Economic and Political Studies from Boston University and a Degree in Business Excellence from the Columbia Business School. She holds an International Law Degree from Belgrade University. Natasha is a Member of AccountAbility’s Sustainability Standards Board, MIT’s Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship Advisory Board, and is the Foundation20 Steering Committee Member.

Core Team

Aditi Thorat

Director of Fundraising

Aditi Thorat

Director of Fundraising

Aditi joined the Global Commons Alliance as Director of Fundraising in April 2023. She was formerly at Global Witness, where she was Director of Development and successfully led fundraising for its campaigns to shift the balance of power from those profiting most from the climate emergency to those most adversely affected. Aditi has worked in international development for two decades in both the UK and in India, and brings a wealth of strategic experience in the non-profit, philanthropy and leadership sectors. Previously Aditi served as Director of Development at the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the foundation of the world’s largest news and information business. In India, she was the founding COO of EdelGive Foundation, and served as officer to the Chief Minister of Rajasthan.

Aditi has a masters from Oxford University where she was a Foreign and Commonwealth Office Chevening scholar. She lives in London.

Gerard Bos

Partnerships and Events Lead

Gerard Bos

Partnerships and Events Lead

Gerard is GCA’s Events and Partnerships Lead. He is a passionate sustainability changemaker and connector. Having worked in the banking, building materials and not-forprofit sectors in multiple countries, he leverages on all these experiences to convince key decision makers in applying a holistic systems-thinking approach in elaborating and executing strategies for a more sustainable future.

For 10 years, Gerard led the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) business engagement strategy and activities. Gerard and his team worked across many sectors and topics and contributed to key developments in this space such as the Natural Capital Protocol, offset policies, Protocol for Biodiversity Net Gain, sectoral business guidelines and more recently articulating the role of finance in contributing to nature positive activities and delivering nature-based solutions at scale.

Prior to that he was with Holcim in Europe, the USA and Africa, mainly in Procurement and Logistics. He representied Holcim in WBCSDs Vision 2050 (World Business Council for Sustainable Development) and CSI (Cement Sustainability Initiative). Gerard also has a supoer power: he speaks five languages fluently and thrives in multicultural environments.

In addition to his role at GCA he is part of InTent.

Zoe Tcholak-Antitch

Communications Advisor

Zoe Tcholak-Antitch

Communications Advisor

Zoe advises the Global Commons Alliance on strategic communications and campaigns. She has over 20 years of experience working in the non-profit community including as Founder and Director of CDP, North America; Commications Director for Mission 2020, and as a special advisor to Global Optimism.


Clare Saxon Ghauri

Digital Content Lead

Clare Saxon Ghauri

Digital Content Lead

Clare leads on digital content strategy and social media for Global Commons Alliance. She has worked in climate communications for over 15 years, including as Head of Content for The Climate Group, Digital Content Editor for the Commonwealth Secretariat and running social campaigns for the agency Greenhouse. She also regularly volunteers for NGOs, including climate activism through Parents For Future, urban food growing with Incredible Edible and strategic social media for community renewable energy projects. 

Mark Kiprotich

Finance Lead

Mark Kiprotich

Finance Lead

Mark Kiprotich is the Finance Lead at Global Commons Alliance. He brings over eight years experience in non profit finance and grants management in the conservation sector. In his role at GCA, he leads organizational budgeting, financial management and supports fundraising initiatives. Prior to joining GCA, he served in various finance roles at Conservation International Foundation, The Nature Conservancy and African Wildlife Foundation. Mark holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance, a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and an  Accounting Diploma. He is currently based in Nairobi, Kenya.

Mira-Bai Simon

Outreach and Engagement Lead.

Mira-Bai Simon

Outreach and Engagement Lead.
Mira-Bai Simon joined GCA to support and improve our work on Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) through building connections with new sectors and diverse actors, and forging and sustaining collaborations towards a safe and just world.
Mira-Bai holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business and Marketing from the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City and a Master’s in Environmental and Natural Resource Management from Montesquieu IV University in Bordeaux, France.
She has worked for the IUCN Environmental Law Centre in Bonn, Germany; WWF Mexico; the Union for Ethical Biotrade, UTZ Certified (now Rainforest Alliance); and Wetlands International in the Netherlands. Previously, she managed the marketing and communications department for the US technology company Solidworks in Latin America.
Mira-Bai’s work has focused on cross-border team management, communications, public relations, fundraising and strategy development. She also recently founded a consultancy, Spiramen, to bring a new range of facilitation techniques to team building, improving internal communications and strategy writing.
Mira-Bai enjoys spending time in nature, practising yoga, writing poetry, acting in theatre, doing community work and mindfully dancing.

Fiscal Sponsorship Services

Provided by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors:

Heather Grady

Vice President and Practice Lead on Environment and Climate Change

Heather Grady

Vice President and Practice Lead on Environment and Climate Change

Heather is a vice president in Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisor’s San Francisco team and leads the practice area of Environment and Climate Change. This portfolio includes a range of sponsored projects and donor collaboratives as well as advisory engagements, research and publications. She also leads the Shifting Systems initiative that encourages funders to place longer-term, more adaptive resources with grantees who are tackling systemic challenges from the local to the global level. Heather has served as an adjunct professor at the China Global Philanthropy Institute and frequently publishes on philanthropy.

Trevor Pollack

Advisor, Sponsored Projects & Funds

Trevor Pollack

Advisor, Sponsored Projects & Funds

Trevor Pollack is Advisor for Sponsored Projects & Funds at Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, and manages projects focused on the environment and climate change. He brings rich experience in grantmaking, fundraising, and organizational development across a range of disciplines, including work on funder collaboratives and equitable philanthropic practice.


Camille Serrano

Program Coordinator, Sponsored Projects and Funds

Camille Serrano

Program Coordinator, Sponsored Projects and Funds

Camille is Program Coordinator at Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors where she works closely with the Sponsored Projects & Funds team of advisors, grants managers, and fellow project coordinators where she supports a portfolio of projects spanning a variety of issue areas including women and girls, human rights, and the environment. In addition to providing client service for projects’ operational needs, she handles grantmaking activities and payment requests, and manages the review and execution of contracts.

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