
New Navigator launched at COP28

The Accountability Navigator for climate and naure launched at the COP28 Nature Pavilion in Expo City, Dubai. It guides companies and financial institutions on how to take action – and which resources to use – for nature and climate together.

GCA in New York

The Global Commons Alliance, partners and our core components – Accountability Accelerator, Earth Commission, Earth HQ, Science Based Targets Network and Systems Change Lab – are in New York for Climate Week NYC and the UN Summit of the Future, 20-29 September 2024.

Join us @ Stockholm+50

Together we’ll be asking and answering the question: “How can we become planetary stewards?”.

Science Based Targets Network

We invite companies and cities to start their journeys now towards achieving nature and climate science-based targets and help build a future where they are operating within Earth’s limits while meeting customers’ and citizens’ needs.