Alliance Components
The Global Commons Alliance (GCA) is mobilizing citizens, companies, cities and countries to accelerate systems change, and become better guardians of the global commons.
We enable collaborative action within and between GCA Partners and our five core components:

Earth Commission
A deep collaboration across different scientific disciplines to inform breakthrough research combining safety and justice considerations.

Systems Change Lab
Looking across 70 different shifts we need to ensure a safe and just future – from energy to food to buildings to social inclusion and equity.

Accountability Accelerator
A global collaborative of philanthropists and practitioners focused on creating a comprehensive accountability ecosystem for nature that scales and accelerates corporate action.

Science Based Targets Network
Providing guidance for companies and cities to take a holistic approach and examine their environmental impacts across freshwater, land, ocean, biodiversity and the climate before setting science-based targets.

Earth HQ
Forming a new global media and communications coalition – the Earth Public Information Collaborative (EPIC) – to support large scale direct public engagement in safeguarding the global commons.