A new series “Action Planet” will launch on Earth Day, April 22 on Discovery+. The series, featuring Jane Fonda, Matt Damon and Greta Thunberg, has been produced for Discovery+ by NowThis Earth, which is supported by the Global Commons Alliance.
Tim Kelly from the Global Commons Alliance said, “We are thrilled with this new series. We have assembled the world’s most inspirational leaders to amplify their voices to stabilize Earth.”
NowThis President Athan Stephanopoulos added, “The planet’s ongoing climate crisis and environmental justice are important issues to the passionate and engaged NowThis audience.”
This is backed by data: NowThis audiences have racked up more than 600 million video views on the issue in the last year.
In addition to ACTION PLANET, NowThis Earth’s extended programming for Earth Day will include coverage of issues ranging from tighter border policies leaving migrants vulnerable to the effects of climate change to equity in the outdoors. NowThis Earth will also release a special episode of its popular series One Small Step, providing its audience with the tools and steps to be better stewards of the planet.