COP16: Our collective purpose

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Dear friend of the Global Commons Alliance,

It’s the final few days before the 2024 UN Biodiversity COP16 in Cali, Colombia. Here countries are expected to submit their updated action plans to align with the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). So far 80% of countries have failed to submit plans to preserve nature, which means bottom up action is crucial in Cali. As Susana Muhamad Gonzalez, President of COP16 Colombia says: “If we succeed in transforming our relationship with nature, as well as our production and consumption practices, and get collective actions to promote life instead of destroying it, we will be addressing the most important challenges of our time. [..] COP16 is not simply a summit, it is the path that allows us to mobilize globally towards this common purpose.”

This is why the events we will host and attend at COP16 (listed below and in full here) are designed to contribute to the collective system shift we urgently need to become better stewards of the global commons. During our events we will explore how the recently updated Safe and Just scienceis received by policy makers and stakeholders of the GBF in Latin America and beyond. We will discuss how this connects with local visions and how science can connect with traditional knowledge to inform transition pathways so that landscapes, cities and countries  reach a ‘Safe and Just Space’.

Subnational governments will also have the opportunity to discuss needs and challenges in measuring and reporting on biodiversity. We look forward to engaging with business and city leaders as the Science Based Targets Network shares corporate insights from its year-long target validation pilot plus its developing guidelines for science-based targets for cities. As well as unveiling plans as the new target validation host, the GCA Accountability Accelerator will explore how groundbreaking accountability tools and technologies are driving corporate action in Africa, Indonesia, and Latin America.

We are also excited to be in Cali to get inspired. Accountability Accelerator is hosting an immersive installation of Earth’s forests interlaced with scenes reflecting society’s impacts. Another special event will spotlight how protecting Indigenous Peoples’ rights is essential to halting biodiversity loss and addressing the unintended impacts of transition mineral extraction.

As the impacts of biodiversity loss and climate change impact people everywhere, citizens, cities and companies are realizing that – just like our expansive, interwoven natural systems – we must all take action together in order to thrive.

From inside boardrooms to city halls and every community in between, we all deeply feel the call to collaboratively safeguard our home for current and future generations.

We look forward to working with you on this innate and collective purpose at COP16, and in the vital actions that will follow.

With all my best,


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