Davos 2025
The Global Commons Alliance will be at the World Economic Forum 2025 which takes place in Davos, Switzerland on January 20–24, under the theme ‘Collaboration for the Intelligent Age’.
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The Global Commons Alliance will be at the World Economic Forum 2025 which takes place in Davos, Switzerland on January 20–24, under the theme ‘Collaboration for the Intelligent Age’.
New research published today in The Lancet Planetary Health shows that the planet will only remain able to provide even a basic standard of living for everyone in the future if economic systems and technologies are dramatically transformed and critical resources are more fairly used, managed and shared.
Nearly three out of four people (72%) surveyed across 18 G20 countries support making it a criminal offence for government or leaders of large businesses to approve or permit actions which cause serious damage to nature and climate, finds major new research.
Blog by Natasha Matic, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Accountability Accelerator.
Systems (or Collaborative) Leadership and the origin story of the GCA
GCA and SBTN invite an experienced Digital Marketing Manager to be their in-house expert, responsible for the demand and growth of digital channels.
The Global Commons Alliance (GCA) is delighted to announce it has appointed Jane Madgwick, as its first Executive Director. Jane will Join GCA in May.
The Earth Commission have devised a set of clear new boundaries – like the Paris Agreement’s 1.5C limit for climate – for several interconnected global commons: Climate, Biosphere (intact nature and managed nature), Freshwater (ground and surface), Fertilizers (phosphorus and nitrogen) and Aerosol Pollutants (air quality).
Article by Earth Commission Co-Chairs Johan Rockström and Joyeeta Gupta.
On January 18th 2023, at 2pm CET, Earth Commission co-chairs Johan Rockström and Joyeeta Gupta will present a teaser of the forthcoming safe and just science on the plenary stage at the World Economic Forum in Davos.
Research shows that the rapid decline of pollinators - bees, butterflies and other insects that feed on flowers - around the world is causing serious declines in human health.
Accountability Accelerator launched to support corporate action on nature and close gaps in accountability landscape.