Nature and Climate Action
A Resource Navigator for Companies and Financial Institutions
The Navigator guides companies and financial institutions on how to take action – and which resources to use – for nature and climate together.
Companies and financial institutions using this first-of-its-kind Navigator can realize many short- and long-term benefits from assessing levels of interconnected and compounding nature and climate opportunities and risks across their operations, portfolios, and supply chains. The interactive Navigator organises resources by their applicability to the 5-step Science Based Targets Network and SBTi process. It helps businesses to select and and utilize relevant management resources that will support their contributions to our collective nature-positive and net zero future.
You can explore the interactive Navigator below, or download it as a PDF.
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The Navigator is the result of an extensive collaborative effort by the Global Commons Alliance’s Accountability Accelerator, UN High-Level Climate Champions and AccountAbility. It brings together resources from industry leaders like Business for Nature, CDP, the Taskforce on Nature Related Financial Disclosures, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Environmental Defense Fund, UNEP FI, IIGCC, PRI and many more.
You can contact us to learn more.
H.E. Razan Al Mubarak, UN Climate Change High-Level Champion for COP28The Nature and Climate Resource Navigator is a useful compass for companies and financial institutions navigating the complex voluntary and regulatory landscape of frameworks, tools, and guidance to drive accelerated action and impact.

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