The Global Commons Alliance, partners and our core components – Accountability Accelerator, Earth Commission, Earth HQ, Science Based Targets Network and Systems Change Lab – are in New York for Climate Week NYC and the UN Summit of the Future, 20-29 September 2024.
‘It’s time for collective action’ is a key theme for GCA in New York. As our Earth Commissioners repeatedly tell us, we are living in an age of urgency. As the impacts of a rapidly changing climate and biodiversity loss accelerates around us all, citizens, cities and companies are realizing that we must act now, and we must act together.
This means breaking down barriers and silos between sectors. It means being explicit on the transition pathways informed by science. And it means engaging with regulators and policy makers to accelerate actions toward a safe and just future. We need a holistic Earth system approach to be embraced by all, ensuring social justice and local knowledge is fully integrated alongside public mobilization.
We’re bringing the transition into the mainstream of business and government – convincing hesitant decision makers to take action, by showing them what can be achieved. Together and alongside GCA partners in New York, we will accelerate the system shift toward a safe and just future for all.
Events calendar
Find all events we are hosting or taking part in below.
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➜ To get involved or for more info, please contact us.
Sunday 22 September
No human equity and wellbeing on an unstable Planet, No stable Planet without human equity
🕒 4-6pm EST
📍Virgin Hotel, 1227 Broadway
Organized by Earth4All, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Planetary Guardians, Future Earth, the Earth Commission, the Earth League and the International Science Council, this high-level Roundtable at the UN Summit of the Future 2024 will address the essential linkages between planetary stability, inequality, justice and human well-being.
Monday 23 September
Forks in the Road: Navigating New Paths for Food Systems
🕒 12-1pm EST
📍Convene, 101 Park Avenue, Midtown East, NY
Session on driving food systems transformation organized by Systems Change Lab. The event will briefly tease the food system launching on the data platform later in the year and will focus the panel discussion on interconnected solutions and systemic approaches in the food system.
Planetary Health Check Launch
🕒 2-3pm EST
📍The Morgan Library & Museum
Join us for the unveiling of the inaugural Planetary Health Check, a unique scientific update into the health of the Planet.
Celebrating the SBTN piloting efforts
🕒 6-8pm EST
📍BCG, 10 Hudson Yards
Organized by Science Based Targets Network and BCG, to celebrate the companies and consultants.
Tuesday 24 September
EPIC Funder Briefing
🕒 8.30-10am EST
📍Open Society Foundations
EPIC funder briefing with Open Society Foundation
Pioneering science-based targets for nature: business insights and opportunities
🕒 1.30-2.30pm EST
📍Nature Positive Hub – Convene, 101 Park Avenue
Join Science Based Targets Network and WBCSD to hear about lessons and successes from the first science-based targets for nature pilot, including from some of the pilot companies.
Wednesday 25 September
Science and Culture – Driving Action for people and planet
🕒 10am-5pm EST
📍 Horizon Media, 75 Varick Street New York, NY 10013
Hosted by New Zero World, Earth HQ and H&M foundation, The Earth Public Information Collaborative (EPIC) invites you to join us for a special event during Climate Week-NYC 2024. We will bring our partners together to share a unique collaboration between the scientific community, creative and communication industries as well as influential leaders to explore new ways for us to meet the climate-nature challenge. More info and RSVP
Thursday 26 September
Exploring How New Frontiers in Law and Science Drive Action for a Safe and Just Future
🕒 6-8.30pm EST
📍 Christie’s, 20 Rockefeller Plaza
Join ClientEarth, Global Commons Alliance, and Christie’s for an evening of inspiring discussion centered on the latest innovations in law and science to protect all life on Earth. Our expert panel will discuss why a top-level and bottom-up approach are both key to delivering a safe and just future for all. They will consider how bold and innovative legal interventions are transforming attitudes towards the climate and nature crises, and why placing human rights and science at the forefront of local, national, and international governance and legal action can spur the positive change we so urgently need to see. After the panel, there will be a drinks reception to continue the discussion with like-minded guests interested in accelerating systems change for the good of our planet. More info and registration